I have a friend who …
I have a most frustrating friend, the quickness of whose mind Does twirls and arahesques, and leaves me stranded far behind; She leapfrogs conversations, till it seems somewhat absurdTo...
I have a most frustrating friend, the quickness of whose mind Does twirls and arahesques, and leaves me stranded far behind; She leapfrogs conversations, till it seems somewhat absurdTo...
Doctors love to prescribe medication to fix your various ailments. What they don’t tell you is that many natural substances do the same job – one...
Write a shopping listYou know very well that if you go to the shop without a shopping list, you are going to come home with all...
Air and water are the most important elements for the preservation of Life on Earth. Water, believe it or not, is a limited resource to our...
The Creation vs Evolution argument Creationists and Evolutionists have been going on about this for ages, but as far as I can see, neither has very...
Work, school, and relationship pressures (amongst other things) can cause havoc with our mental and physical wellbeing.Here are some examples of how you can relieve your...
TigersThe wonderful thing about Tiggers. They are gorgeous, dangerous, powerful, skilled, and courageous – and they can swim! 2. LionsKing of the Jungle – what more...
Whiteboards, storage containers and bin bags are necessities for your fridge.
Don’t set savings goals Do you want to buy a house or a car or even a goldfish? Once you have an idea of what you...
Parents and other humans think that University is all about drinking and parties, but that is not the truth. Here is why being a student is...